If you're considering getting yourself body art, you have a couple of ways you can get the design that you want. You can let the tattoo artist do the design for you, or you can buy tattoo designs on-line. Both methods have their own pros and cons. With a tattoo artist doing the designs, you have an experienced professional that you can discuss your design choice with before you make the purchase. However, the designs available may be limited by the artistic talents and tastes of the artist. If you buy tattoo designs on-line, you forgo the expertise of the tattoo artist and must be able to visualize on your own what the end result will be. However, the range of designs available is far wider, and you are much more likely to find exactly what you want.

If you think you may want to buy tattoo designs on-line, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Do a little research first - As with any on-line purchase, you want to make sure that you are dealing with a reputable site. Reputable means that they will safeguard your payment information and have a policy that is fair for dealing with problems and complaints. There are a number of organizations, such as the Better Business Bureau, that provide certification or accreditation of on-line sites that meet certain standards. These sites will bear the logos of the certifying or accrediting organization, along with a link that will take you to the organization's website so that you can see what is meant by "certified" or "accredited."
  • Compare prices - If you're going to buy tattoo designs on-line, then make sure you take full advantage of the technology. Internet shopping allows you to quickly and easily compare your options before you buy.
  • Plan - When you buy tattoo designs without a tattoo artist at your side, you're going to have to be the one to do the planning. Some planning issues you need to consider include where is the tattoo going to go, how does it fit into your body art master plan, and will the design fit where you want it? The last item is critically important when you buy tattoo designs on-line. That large eagle that you really like might fit well on the moose-sized wrestler's bicep shown on-line but not on yours.
  • Take it for a trial run - Once you receive your tattoo designs, take a marker (preferably one that will wash off easily and completely) and actually put the design on your body. If you decide you don't like the designs you've purchased, it's far better to experience buyer's remorse with a washable marker than it is after the tattoo artist completes his or her work.
Body art is an expression of the individual wearing it. Having the ability to go on-line and find exactly the design that fits the persona you are creating for yourself can be a very satisfying experience-as long as you put just a little extra thought and planning into it.


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